Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/27/2008 - 16:54

Jeff -

It's Mom!  I'm here at Karen's and we're following you on your trip south.  There was too much food but good company and good times.

Our question is: how did you enjoy Thanksgiving in the southern hemisphere?

Miss you.  Love you.

- Mom

Jeff Peneston

Hi Mom!It is great to hear from you and I am glad that you had a fun Thanksgiving.  For Thanksgiving dinner I ate at an outdoor restaurant with two of the Swedish scientists and one of the college students from Georgia.  I had ravioli with some unknown green vegetable in it.  I think it might have been spinach.  The company was much better than the food.
My real Thanksgiving came a day late (today) when I was able to meet all of the rest of the scientists and support staff that I will be living with for the next 7 weeks.  Everyone is very nice.  I took a walk down to the harbor and went out on a pier that looked like the one at Fair Haven on Lake Ontario.  Later, I had a very nice dinner with another group of scientists.   However, the best part of the day was when I was able to get a ride back to the airport and pick up my luggage!  My stuff was lost in Miami and I had no extra clothing!  I had bought a new shirt when I arrived but I was very thankful to re reunited with socks and underwear!  
We will board the Oden at noon on Saturday and then everything will settle down and be focused on the life and work on the ship.  
I can finally let myself feel excited.
Keep writing me questions through this forum and I hope you enjoy following the trip.Love,

Tom Dunn

I am happy to hear that you are off to a good start. I wish you the best!2 questions- Do you recycle paper, glass, or cans on the Oden? Also, is all waste on board stored until the ship returns?
May sunny skies follow you,


hi jeff this is noah douglas from lynnwood school. i had a great time when you came. i was wondering if you could e mail some pictures of the oden to me.p.s. my e mail is