Hi Jeff,
-Your "iceberg panorama video" is remarkable! Thank you. I also enjoyed the video piece with Julia Diaz from Georgia Tech and reading the questions from Lollie. Jeff, do you know if Julia and/or other Oden researchers are looking at phoshporus absorption(phosphate uptake and phosphorus content per unit body mass) in Antarctic marine life that is brought up in the plankton nets? A question related to this, -has plankton-net sampling of marine invertebrates been done at various points along the journey to Antarctica in order to have comparison samples? I am curious as to whether Oden researchers are currently measuring carbon dioxide levels in Antarctic waters in an attempt to look at 1.) possible ocean acidification that could result, 2.)decreased phosphate absorption by marine organisms and 3.) possible increased photosynthetic activity. Jeff, as a last question for now, are you aware of any Oden research looking at changes in nutrient flux or movement (perhaps) due to reduced pH, possibly leading to changes in microbial communities?(has there been any sediment sampling of microbial communities in coastal/shelf areas?) I am reminded of the "Have You Thanked a Microbe Today? bumper sticker :-)
Jeff, Thanks again for sharing your PolarTREC experience! Peace & Happy New Year, Ben Smith & his Environmental Science students at Peninsula High School California