Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 15:56

Hi Jeff! 

Love all the pictures. Our students loved the info. but had no idea what a septic system was. They were concerned that you may be unable to watch TV.  Do  you ever pick up any? 


We also came upon a news article telling about the tour ship Ushuaia that ran aground someplace in the Antartic recently.  What is the likelyhood that you will see other vessels when you reach the ice?

One more thing-has your mustache frozen and broken off yet? 


Hope all is well . Miss you!



Jeff Peneston

I am so glad that you and your students are enjoying my expedition.  It is also great to know that it is generating conversations and questions like yours.
First, we have no TV at all.  We get no news or Internet either.  We do have a cute 20-seat movie theater and a video library on the Oden and that is fun.   I have not heard about any other grounded ships and in the last 6 days I have only seen 2 other boats.  We will probably not see another ship until we reach McMurdo Station about Jan 10th.  While we are hundreds of miles inside the sea ice of the Amundsen Sea we will definitely be alone.
So far my mustache and eyebrows are fine.  Thank you for asking!
Take care,