Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/08/2008 - 10:48

Hello jeff,

That was an awesome video,  The music made it suspensful and we  loved it. Wow!  Are you used to the coldness?  And were you tied up for very long???  And why were you wearing SHORTS???????

We love your jounrals!

Sonja, Ricky, Andreya, Jaun, Zach, Alex, Anthony, and Alex, 


We would love those waves here in Flagstaff, Ricky is convinced he has been in 20 foot swells before in Lake Pleasant...hah!!!


Cheers from 7000 feet!

Jeff Peneston

Sonja, Ricky, Andreya, Jaun, Zach, Alex, Anthony and Alex!
I am glad that you liked my crazy video.  I wore a t-shirt and swim suit because I knew I would get soaked and I didn’t want to have to get my jeans and sweatshirt loaded with salt water.  I was out in the cold waves only for a few minutes and then I went back inside to take a hot shower and put on warm clothes.  I have always lived in the northeastern part of the country and I am used to snow and freezing cold air.  I must admit however, that I have never been in water that was only about 40° F.
The truth is that I shot the video at the beginning of our voyage across the Drake Passage and the waves have been much worse since then.  We are now only about 100 miles from the edge of the sea ice and this morning we started to see small icebergs floating by.  I can see 2 on the horizon right now!
Take care and keep reading my journal

Kirk Beckendorf

Hey Jeff
What a great video!!!! I have to admidt I have been way behind on following expeditions this year and am trying to get caught up. I love what you have done with the flags and your journals really brings things to life.
I hope to be able to join in on your upcoming webinar.
I think YOU are making memories for your self and for a whole lot of students.