Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 09:03

Hey what up jeff it is kris and my freind zach from flag town AZ and we just chillen, but me and zach are going to tell you how to make a sediment trap.

we used 3:p.v.c. pipes

a grip of rope.

a sinker or two.

and somthing like that can float around, so that it will catch some sediments.

we driled holes throw the top of each pipe and put the rope throw all of them. the ropes had floats tied to it so the pipes would collect sedimet. each pipe was one meter apart one at 1 meter 2 and 3 meters.



kris james

zach freeman











Jeff Peneston

Kris & Zach,
 Thanks for the info.  I think I would like to build a sediment trap that my students can use on the lake at Camp Talooli!