Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/16/2008 - 11:59

hello jeff my name is Kris from Flagstaff A.Z.

i was wondering how do you feel going to your expedition, and what are you going to study?

also i will be wrighting you two times each week......

are you koo with that?

Jeff Peneston

Hi Kris!
 I would be happy to hear from you as often as you like.  
 I am getting very excited about my expedition to Antarctica. Last weekend I was able to go to Washington DC and meet the scientists who I will work with on the Oden.  They will be collecting sea ice so that they can measure the kinds of gases that are being released from the ice to the atmosphere.  Some of those gases are given off by the microscopic plants and bacteria living in the ice and some of those gases may influence global warming.  I will also be able to help a team of scientists capture seals and collect bacteria and viruses from the seals that will be used to determine their resistance to epidemics.
take care,