Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 10:03

do you have any chores on the boat or jobs? if so do you like them?

Jeff Peneston

I have personal chores such as keeping my cabin and bathroom clean. This is particularly important since I share a cabin with someone else.  I also have to do my own laundry about once a week.  Once we get to the sea ice I will work about 6-12 hours each day helping the science teams collect their data out on the deck or on the sea ice.  
My biggest job now is to create the daily journal and to respond to questions like yours.  I spend 4-7 hours a day keeping up on these PolarTREC responsibilities.
I am glad you are following my trip.  I think you will like the video that I am trying to post for today  (12/6).
Take care,
Jeff Peneston