Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 06:29

Hi mr. P I hope you are having a rocking time. Mr. Foster is not as nice as you but he is doing good for a substitute. I was wondering. What would of happened if you lost your luggage? would you have to wait and search or would you have to barrow from a teammate? Also are you making new friends up there? Every one in A/C 1 is having a fun time with Mr.Foster. And no we have not takin over. YET!!! Hope to see you soon. Bring back some seal feces!!! Have a fun and safe timeLaughing




By nicole luther 

Jeff Peneston

Remember, years before Mr. Foster was your new teacher, he was my student, and then we worked together at Camp Talooli, so he knows what I expect and I have complete confidence in him. Regarding my luggage, if it had not arrived in time I had a plan to rush to the shopping center and buy a couple of duffle bags and all the clothes I would need. The big problem was that my clothes would be easy to replace but all of the expedition flags were also in my luggage and I can’t imagine heading to Antarctica without them. Yes, I have met most of the 53 other people on board the Oden and many are rapidly becoming my friends. If you look through my journal for 12/2 you will see pictures of 3 of my new friends.
Take care and keep the questions coming!
Jeff Peneston


hey i was going to ask why did u ask jeff to bring back some poo ¿