Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 11:09

Hi Mr. Peneston,

We just finished reading your journal and looking at all the pictures you have taken!!  We are so jealous!!  We have a few questions for you...

1.  What has been your favorite part of the trip so far?

2.  When you were here, you told us that the Oden was the length of a football field.  How tall is it?

3.  Where are you right now?  When do you expect to get to your destination?

4.  What is your favorite room on the Oden?

5.  Have you eaten any new foods yet?


We have a lot of other questions for you, but we will be in touch again soon!



Mrs. Harrington's Class Laughing


hi!my name is are you doing in antarctica?i've been researching and i heard its really cold there is that true?Did you and the team see any penguins yet?
sincerly,ahlam a really huge fan....

Jeff Peneston

Thanks for the questions from Mrs. Harrington’s Class!1. I really like to do things that I have never done before and there is a huge list of such things that I have done in the last week. I particularly enjoy meeting and working with the people on the Oden. Most of them I had never met before and most of them speak Swedish as their primary language but everyone has been nice and everyone has a different life story that they can share with me. I have also been super excited to see the sea birds flying alongside the ship. I had never seen an albatross with a 10-foot wingspan before!
2, 3 & 5. Read my last 2 journal entries for complete answers.
4. My favorite room on the Oden is the bridge where the Master and the officers steer the ship. It is 100 feet above the water with huge windows that wrap all the way around so you can look out in every direction. There are tables and chairs where I can work and a comfy couch where I can relax.
Keep the great questions coming,
Jeff Peneston