Hi Anne Marie! What a wonderful treat it was for my class to hear from you via satellite phone :) Thanks for doing that! By now you have met the NBP and Tish tells me that it was a very successful and fun experience. I haven't seen any pictures from that yet- did you get one from the Oden viewpoint??

Also, please wish my Swedish friends Agneta and Melissa a belated happy Santa Lucia Day- I always remember that :) Really enjoying your journals, keep up the good work!

cheers, Lollie

Anne Marie Wotkyns

Hi Lollie - It was great fun talking to your class - thank you for arranging that!We jest met up the Palmer yesterday morning, then went right into a 24 hour ice station, which kept my team very, very busy, so I haven't written about it yet. But I will post a journal about it soon, along with some photos. I did get to go aboard and sight-see a little. So sorry I didn't run into Tish, I was watching for her, but didn't see her.
I also have not written about Santa Lucia yet, but plan to include that topic in a journal soon. We are just starting some pre-holiday activities and decorating, so we're getting onto the holiday mood now. The science sampling and data collection has been keeping us very busy too!
Keep reading my posts - I've got lots more great stuff to share with you! AM