Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 18:54

Can we see a video of you shooting a polar bear with darts?

Cristina Galvan

Hi,Darting the bears is something that the trained scientists from Fish and
Wildlife and USGS take care of. They have to be able to dart the bear
from a moving helicopter in a specific location on their shoulder. This
is not something that I will be trained to do. We are lucky to have two
scientists who are very good at finding and tranquilizing the bears as
part of this project - George Durner with USGS and Eric Regeher with
Fish and Wildlife Services.
I have not yet been able to see this part of the capture operation. I
am hopeful that soon I will be able to witness this part first hand.
However, there is also a National Geographic filmmaker on board who was
able to capture this on film. He will be working to create a
documentary of the trip. As I learn more about it, I'll make sure to
post information (but it will be a while for a completed project).