Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 08:57

I have a question for u, what kind of sample did you get from the water? Are there living things under water that you can see with rov? Your friend Marvin

Cristina Galvan

Hi Marvin,The project that I am involved in does not use an ROV - I think you have
this confused with a different project. However, there are projects on
board that do collect water samples. They are interested in the types
of organisms that are living in the water. The types of things that are
living in the water would be plankton and algae.
It's interesting because two of the teams here are looking at the tiny
organisms at the bottom of the food chain and the polar bear team is
studying the organisms at the top of the food chain, but all of the
organisms are interconnected.
If you check out the journal from October 12th, you can see some images
take while under the ice. The team found a jellyfish that day.
Ms Galvan