Hi Christina,

I was wondering how far away you'll be from the polar bears? Will your proximity require you to learn how to use a rifle as a safety precaution? And, what other precautions will be taken to keep you all and the bears safe? These questions have come up as I've shown classes your site. Thanks so much and safe travels!!

Michele Cross Antarctic Undersea ROV '09

Cristina Galvan

Hi Michele,
Thanks for the great questions - my students have similar questions as well.  I'll do my best to answer based on what I know so far, but I know that I as I learn more details in the field I'll be journaling all about this exact topic.  
The research team and I will be traveling out on the sea ice to do the data collection on the bears.  The bears have been tagged with GPS collars.  We will use that to find the bears location and travel out on the sea ice in a helicopter.  While on the ice, it is important to keep our safety and the bears safety in mind.  To keep us safe, there will alway be a rifle around as you mentioned.  This is NOT something I will be trained in using (Thanks goodness - I'm just not that coordinated!).  To keep the bears safe, the bears will be given a dose of tranquilizer while we work with them.  The dose will be calculated based on the bears weight and size so as to not give the bears too much or too little tranquilizer.
That's sort of the basics of it all - but I'll be providing a lot more details, photos and videos of the whole process in upcoming journal entries - keep an eye out!