Christina, Can you share any of the data the scientists have gotten about the polar bear's temepratures? Maybe an average?? It looks so awesome, and what a treat being able to get a sea view and one from the air!!! :) Lollie

Cristina Galvan

Hi Lollie,I can share their first understanding of the data, but recognize this is
just their initial thoughts. Also, the data has yet to be validated by
doing some statistical analysis.
They have found a couple of interesting points. One is that the
temperature of the bears cycles about 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius on a near
daily basis. Many organisms do this with their temperature - including
However, the interesting part is that the cycle seems to indicate that the
bears have a higher core body temperature during the night hours and a
lower core body temperature during the day time.
What this all means will likely be the topic of on of the graduate
students PHD dissertation. The next steps are to match this data with the
data about the activity of the bear, outside temperature and blood work.
It's exciting to watch new discoveries in science happening right in front
of you!
Hope that answers your questions,
- Cristina