Hey Claude- loving your updates and looks like you are having a great expedition so far.

I'm writing to ask if the team will be or has done pollen study of any of the core samples or pit excavations to do a paleoclimate analysis. The reason I ask is that we do a pollen & paleoclimate lab using local data from a core sample taken near Blackhawk Colorado. If you have any info about the Kamchatka excavations I'd love to mention it when we get to that part of our studies.

Keep up the great work!

Your PolarTREC buddy, Bill Schmoker in Longmont, CO


Bill,I'm a member of the research team who is not in the field, so I will jump in with a reply to this one. We've got a paleoecologist, Florin Pendea, out in the field in Kamchatka right now who is collecting peat samples for just that type of reconstruction. But we've got to work out our soil import permits before we can do the analysis!
- Eva Hulse

Bill Schmoker

Thanks, Eva! Would be curious to know down the line what you see for the past 10,000 or so and if/how it matches with the fluctuations we see in Colorado. Best- Bill

Claude Larson

HI Bill,Thanks for following us. In fact, there are currently some pollen
studies underway. A scientist named Dr. Florin Pendea from McGill
University who is working with the Paleo-Ecology team part of our
expedition is taking samples of various sites on Kamchatka. He will
take it back to Canada and analyze the samples for pollen content and
other aspects of the cores. Stay tuned and check him out in a few
months so see what his findings are. Hey, by the way I saw a Stellar's
Eagle and huge nest of what we think was a Stellar's Eagle on one of our
test sites.
Go Bird Man!
Blue skies,

Bill Schmoker

Oh, I saw that post and pic of the Steller's Sea-Eagle nest. Awesome, and you can't believe how jealous I am!!! Stay safe & keep up the great updates. Best- Bill