Hello Ms. Herrman Today I had an extremely relaxing day in which nothing productive was achieved. This was a wonderful break from all of the work for school. Interesting topic, my father wishes to know what will be occupying your time at Palmer station for a full six weeks? Will you be observing other scientists, or will you have your own project? Alas, I am a bit ashamed that I do not know the answer to these questions. Oh and thank you for answering all of my previous questions about your stay there. This gives me a better understanding of what's going on.
I remember I told you about the movie I saw the big miracle and how my dad was significantly involved but did not receive credit for things in the movie; well here is a link to his blog concerning the subject if you wish to read! http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/features/The-Story-behind-Big-Miracle/
I continue to look forward to your journals every day as the pictures you take grow more and more exciting.
Luke Plowden