Hi! I hope you will have a great journey down to the bottom (or close to the bottom) of the earth! The flight will probably be too long, but it will all pay off when you reach Antarctica. My mom and I read your extensive newspaper article and she got really excited. It turns out that she did a project in Iceland where she drilled through an ice cap into a lake. She also wrote a paper about it and wants me to show you it. So if you are interested (and it's okay if your not because you probably have way cooler things to be doing in Antarctica than reading my mom's article) just let me know and I can figure out some way to give it to you. I am in the process of writing your extensive work-out sessions so you can burn off all of the good food you will most definitely be eating! (Just kidding!) I really hope you have a good time and promise me you wont fall off the bottom of the earth. (That's what my mom always tells my dad when he goes to Antarctica.) Love, Maddy Nyblade