That penguin standing on the ice burg looked like something out of a movie or a national geographic magazine or something incredible of the sort. He seemed rather lonely sitting there on the ice rock looking serenely off to sea. Also, the wale pictures I grow more jealous every day, but in a good way if you know what I mean. I Imagine you are extremely happy to see Palmer station, even with all the wildlife, solid ground must be a welcome feeling. I want all the details for your first trip off base. This would be so cool, I look forward to reading formal memoirs!
P.S (This is Sarah Wylie now) I GOT MY BRACES OFFFFFF!!!!!!! You will not recognize me when you get back that's how amazingggggg I look now :) Also my meeting with Dr. Milner was wonderful! I learned a lot about anthropology, and it really fascinates me. I'm still not sure at all what I want to do when I grow up, but that's fine, because I'm only 16. I hope you're having a delightful time! The pictures of ice bergs look GORGEOUS and soooo much more exciting than State College!