Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/17/2012 - 10:52

That penguin standing on the ice burg looked like something out of a movie or a national geographic magazine or something incredible of the sort. He seemed rather lonely sitting there on the ice rock looking serenely off to sea. Also, the wale pictures I grow more jealous every day, but in a good way if you know what I mean. I Imagine you are extremely happy to see Palmer station, even with all the wildlife, solid ground must be a welcome feeling. I want all the details for your first trip off base. This would be so cool, I look forward to reading formal memoirs!

P.S (This is Sarah Wylie now) I GOT MY BRACES OFFFFFF!!!!!!! You will not recognize me when you get back that's how amazingggggg I look now :) Also my meeting with Dr. Milner was wonderful! I learned a lot about anthropology, and it really fascinates me. I'm still not sure at all what I want to do when I grow up, but that's fine, because I'm only 16. I hope you're having a delightful time! The pictures of ice bergs look GORGEOUS and soooo much more exciting than State College!


Oh yea that was Luke

Nell Herrmann

HI Sarah! (and Luke!)What great news about Dr. Milner! I had a feeling you might hit it off; isn't she wonderful? Great about your braces too. I'm sure you look lovely.
And Luke, we will have so much to talk about with the Polar Ambassadors when I get home. The journals give a great snapshot, but I am learning so much every day. I'm really excited to share even more with you guys!
More soon,
Ms. Herrmann