Dear Ms. Herrmann, Good luck on your trip! I know that right now you are somewhere around or in Chile, but I have a few questions about Palmer Station that I hope can be answered when you arrive. I know that the population of the station changes depending on the season, but how developed is it? I remember when Mr. Charles Amsler, the researcher you will be working with, gave his presentation at our school, he mentioned that each station is a little town. I know Palmer is very small, but is there any types of infrastructure in place, such as hospitals, police stations, town halls. etc? Another question I have is about customs and immigration; because Palmer Station is an American-based research facility, I know that you would not need a passport. However, what if someone from another country came to the area. Would they need a passport or Visa given that Palmer is technically US soil? (By soil I mean ice and rock) I know these are some strange questions, but they were for some reason the first questions that came into my head. Any answers would be greatly appreciated! I hope your voyage is going well, we all miss you here at LE! Thanks again! Sincerely, Walker Jordan