Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 11:57

Hi Nell-- Kate would like to know how many kinds of birds you have seen. What kinds of birds are they?

Also, Kate wants to say that she misses you. She wants to get special clothes so she can go to Antarctica, too. She also wants to know whether you can Skype.

I love today's pictures of the seals and the mountains.

Take care!


Nell Herrmann

Hi Tory and Kate!I've seen LOTS of birds including gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins and Adelie penguins. I've also seen a couple different kinds of albatross, petrels, and large seabirds called skuas. There are some funny birds around the station called "Antarctic chickens" or snowy sheathbills. There is a picture of one in a previous journal.
Please tell Kate I miss her too and will come visit you in Virginia when I get home. I can probably skype when the Gould (the big ship) leaves, but when it's here I can't because it uses half the bandwidth at the station. Skyping takes too much bandwidth to do when the ship is here. I think that's great that Kate wants special Antarctic clothes!
Glad you enjoyed the pictures from today.