Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 10:28

Hi Nell,

Wow! great pictures from the weekend.

I've been trying to watch the videos you've sent and they all show errors and do not run- both on my laptop and Michelle's desktop. I don't know if others are also having trouble, no one had posted anything.

That is so cool that the calving glaciers show up on the seismometers. Is it just a little jump n the wave or does it show an earthquake-like movement?

How difficult was it to get back onboard after the "man overboard" drill? The survival suits don't have a lot of freedom of movement, do they? Jeff M. will be jealous!


Nell Herrmann

Hi Tami,I know Mila Tamminga was able to watch them (she wrote to me about the whale video) and I'm able to view them from various computers. You should just be able to click on the youtube link to see them play. I know my mom watched them from her office computer too... If you can't get them, maybe ask Jane Sutterlin to take a look? They are definitely worth watching! :)
The calving doesn't show up in a very dramatic way, but it is detectable. It wasn't too bad getting back in the zodiac after the drill, especially because I had 2 people helping me in! The survival suits don't have a lot of freedom of movement, but they do float very well. I was actually quite comfortable in those pictures! I have been thinking of Jeff here and there with all of this nautical stuff! Please tell him I say hello!