Hi Juan!

I'm so impressed with the wonderful journal entries and pictures you are able to submit from the ship!

I loved all the pictures of the seals! How long did they stay on the ice? Were they on the ice the whole time?

I am going to McMurdo through PolarTREC in November, but I'll be staying at the station mostly. It was great getting to hear about your trip when you called in last week too! How often do you call schools to share your experiences?

Enjoy your trip and keep up the great work with your journals!

Sincerely, Michelle Brown

Juan Botella

Hi Michelle, thanks for wirting, and congratulations on your coming trip to McMurdo
Station. I feel so lucky to have spent a few days there. The seals we saw
on the floating ice stayed there for several hours. More experienced people
have said they come and go looking for food and then resting. It was great
to come across that patch of ice!
I have done a live event with the Madison Children's Museum and will do
another one with them in March. I am planning on doing one with my school,
but the protests in Madison affected the school calendar and I do not know
yet if the school will be able to devote time for them. Too bad, as it is a
great experience.
Congratulations again; I am sure I will follow your journals as well.

Gary Wesche

Indeed the pictures were fun to look over. Was the ship able to stay where it needed to for the science to be completed? I was also in Alaska with Michelle and the others last week helping with the Polartrec training. I went to Antarctica in 2009. We enjoyed hearing from you live and I continue to enjoy your journals.

Juan Botella

Hi Gary, thanks for writing. Yes, the ice patch allowed us to stay in that area
for teh 3 hours that a station requires. It was kind of magical; as soon as
we finished, the ice had drifted away. It was great!
Glad to hear you were helping out at orientation. It must be fun going
back as an experienced person and compared it to the first time you went


Hi Juan,I think the book was by Paul Nicklen, Polar Obsession.
Too bad your clothing ration didn't include a diving outfit - and a serious casing for your camera!

Juan Botella

Thanks for sending the information, that is the book I was referring to.Such amazing pictures! I recommend people take a look at it if they have a
chance. My daughter was fascinated by the pictures and she is only 4 years
old. I will take a look at the link when I am on land and have internet
again. Thanks a lot,


Hey Mr Botella,
I can tell from all your great pictures you are having a wonderful time on your expedition. I wish I could have joined you! It looks like they have been putting you to work. How has riding on the ship been? It looks like the food is really good. Keep posting pictures. I love the pictures of all the wildlife. What is your favorite animal that you have seen so far? Cant wait for you to get back

Juan Botella

Hi Jake, thanks for writing. I am enjoying my time here like a kid on an
amusement park. The rides are awesome and there are no lines! I have had
challenging moments due to the ship's motions, but overall it has been a
blast. The ship rides incredibly well. I have been in other ships and they
do not compare. For the seas that we have out there, it barely moves.
The food is really good, and I eat constantly so I do not get sea sick.
You will find out when I go back to school that I am turning as great as
the food. About the animals, my favorite so far have been the penguins. The
whales are way cool, but I had seen them before, I guess. I had an amazing
dream last night in which I was swimming with the penguins. They were all
very curious and climbed up on me to check me out.
Thanks again for writing. Hope school is going well. I will be back
before you know it.
P.S. and yes, I have been working quite hard, but it does not even feel
like that since it has all been fun.