Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 18:41

Hello my name is Frankie I am in Mr. Woods 6 period science class at Talbert Middle school. Is it fun learning about seawater property changes? Have you seen any cool sea creatures? Hope you have a great expedition

Juan Botella

Hi Frankie, thanks fro writing. It has been a lot of fun participating in this
science expedition and learning about how seawater properties change. About
the animals, I have seen the following flying birds: Skuas, Petreles and
Albatross. I have seen the following seals: Wedell, Leopard and Crabeater.
We saw from a far distance Minke whales and Orcas, and form a very close
distance HUmpback whales. We have seen tons of Adélie penguins and a few
Emperor penguins. You can see pictures of all of them on the journal
Thanks for writing,