Hello Mr. Botella. my name is Kyle L. and i'm in Mr. Woods per. 3 class. Like the other zillion kids kids from Talbert Middle school, I have a few interesting questions that, hopefully, won't bore you to death.
First off, have you seen any raising in water levels from the time you started your voyage to the present time? Because it seems that our Polar Caps are melting and raising the water levels.
Also, has there been any unusual data you've picked up? Like a rise in co2? Or the temperature is a little higher than average?
Hopefully these questions are interesting to you and are not about how many penguins you saw or what a whale looks like. I think it's truly spectacular for someone to step up and spend three months on a boat in Antarctica to improve our forecasting abilities. You are a role-model to other people. Thank you.
- From Kyle, a kid in an heated house while you're in a cold boat.
P.S. I hope you have a happy rest of the voyage. :)