Hi Mark! I'm enjoying following your expedition, and your journals are really fun to read! Looks like it must be a little challenging with internet access. I especially liked your description of the scientists working together and mentoring the students; such an important part of the process and it's great to see that detail addressed!

Mark Paricio

Internet is very sparse and comes and goes without warning. This is thefirst time I have connected with polartrec email when it hasn't
immediately crashed on me. I have no idea when/how to schedule a live
event as we take what we can get but have no idea if it will be today or
four days from now.
Let me know your ideas.
I have been able to post to polaris project as well and have a lot of
good feedback from undergrad students' parents through their email when
they get it.
I will try to check this email again tonight. Fingers crossed!