Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 10:05

Do you ever miss your family? from Kathy, Jasmine, Maria, De'Andre.Cassandra. From ED. White Middle school.Laughing



Sarah Anderson

Greetings from Antarctica! I'm so glad you are following our expedition and that you sent a question. It's especially great to hear from my friends in San Antonio. I hope it has cooled down some's around 29 degrees here and it has snowed all day - not quite like September in Texas!We were just talking yesterday about things we missed from home - of course everyone said their family first, so we talked about other things that we missed. I don't have a family of my own, but I do have 6 cats and 3 dogs that are at home waiting for me to return. I'm not sure if everyone
thinks their pets are family, but I certainly do!
One thing that we miss is radio - no radio reception in this area as you can imagine! We've been in pretty rough water the last four days, so I think most of us would say that we miss land a bit right now! The ship has handrails down all the hallways so you have something to hold on to when the seas get rough...its pretty funny watching people stumble down the hall sometimes!
Great to hear from y'all (I can say that to fellow Texans, can't I) - please write again!
Mrs. Anderson