Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/02/2013 - 07:31

Mr.Kendhammer, do you feel successful in your research? Do you expect to find life in the soil? Did have to do the blizzard simulation with the buckets over your head? Is your head cold? Hahaha! - Spagnuolo

Justin Kendhammer

Dear Spag,It is so thoughtful of you to think about my poor bald head. I try to have my hat on to avoid sun burns and frost bite. I do feel pretty good about what we are doing down here. The research of soils in all parts of the world is making major strides forward and could hold many advancements for us humans along the way. We are just a small part of it but it does feel pretty good. I do not yet consider myself a true soiler but maybe one day.We have already found live and active bacteria in the soils. Success!We did the white out scenario at Happy Camper. It was fun and challenging. We did not find our lost person but they did not die either. Success!I hope you enjoyed seeing your name on the sign in Christchurch. Your famous.I look forward to seeing you soon.Justin Kendhammer