Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/06/2013 - 12:17

Dear mr. Kendhamer

this is Tyler and Quentin from Ms. Gouldens 8th period class we where wondering what the food is like up there? How cold is it and do you eat penguin up there? And are all those seals dead?

sincerly Tyler O'Hagan and Quentin Miller

Justin Kendhammer

Hello Tyler and Quentin,The food situation is pretty good. I think I have lost maybe five pounds but I can't say that is a bad thing. I attribute most of that to a lot of miles of hiking and calories lost to keeping warm.Penguin is not on the menu. Seals are not on the menu. Almost all of our food comes directly from New Zealand. We have had some really good beef, pork, and lamb. The climate of New Zealand is really nice for raising animals.Be nice to Ms G.JK