Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 17:14


1) since the presence of light winds are needed to observe "photochemistry", does it mean that you'd have to wait for the right moment to get the Ozone data?

2) Hallows. Does it have any relationship the production of Ozone Layer?

Happy Holidays and Take Care.


Izza Ibrahim(Grade 12)

United Nations International School,New York City 

Elke Bergholz

Hello Izza, You are correct, for the surface ozone data we need the right condition: light,  like the summer light in Antarctica, in particular now in December. We need little wind so that the air above the snow is not mixed. So yes, for this type of research we need to wait for the correct moment. That is why we were not able to get everything done. No, this has nothing to do with the production of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. At least we do not think so. This research will continue to understand more about the photochemistry.We fly, however,  the balloon for the stratosphere every Monday, unless the weather is very severe. Happy Holidays to you as well, Elke Bergholz