Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/19/2007 - 12:09

I have a question for Elke.  How has this trip been different from your last one?  Also, did you learn anything new on this trip that surprised you?

Thank you,

Eve, Marymount School 

Elke Bergholz

Dear Eve, This trip has been very similar in terms of the work I am doing here: working with the Clean Air Group. I have added many more research aspects, such as the CFC's and CO2 that the group is monitoring. .
The new station is very different from the last station . It is larger and can house 150 people. We still use the "summer camp" and 258 max can be at the station at any given time. I am in  contact with many more students this time and Polartrec's "Life from IPY" added a new way of how to be in contact with many schools.
Happy Holidays, E.Bergholz