Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 06:38

Dear MS. Berghlz,

     When you came to explain to our school what you were going to do and what you had doe before. i was currios about the huge inflatable "balloon" type machine that inflates up to about 15 kilometers. Could you explain to me what the purpose of the machine is, and how scientists interpret that data.



                                         Ira Seidman (The School @ Columbia Univercity)

Elke Bergholz

Dear Ita from he School of Columbia University in New York city,  We are usung balloons to fly through the Stratosphere up to 35 kilometers. We are attaching the ozone instrument and a radiosonde that will submit the data back to the lab. We ar collecting the ozone concentration at differnt altitudes to monitor the ozone hole. We also collect the temperature  and the airpressure. Balloons ahve been used to collect data like that for many decades. If you go to my journals, you can see some of the ballons and how we prepare them!Enjoy the photos. E. Bergholz