Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 00:40

Hello to everybody there!we have some questions about your work on the polar expedition:do you work for the whole day and how long can you sleep and relax?do you celebrate the christmas days and are there gifts,too?but they would be freezing on this temperature,wouldn`t they? and is the food normal or do you have special things to eat?do you sleep in different rooms or do you share them And what about the heating in your rooms?are there special chimneys or do you accept the cold weather?is it about 40 degrees under zero every day?do you think that you will stay there the whole time or do you wish to be home sometimes? On the photos the sun is shining .do you get sun burned fast?the ozon layer is very thin at your place.Is there any risk for your health?In case of illness ,is there a doctor for you? Have a nice time and we hope you will be succesful on your expedition! from the 11th classmates from geschwister-scholl school

Elke Bergholz

Schoenen Dank fuer die vielen Fragen. 1. Ja wir arbeiten den ganzen Tag. We work the whole day. But it is difficult to find a rhythm.. I have not been able to get enough sleep. Lst night I slept 5 hours the first time. So my work day is veryn long and I write until past midnight. 2 Ich koennte bis 7 Uhr schlafen aber oft bin ich auch schon frueher auf. Wir hatten eineige video-konferenzen und ich bin um 4 uhr aufgewesen aber erst um 1 ind bett. Nun versuche ich eine Routine in den Tag zu bekommen. Aber es ist nicht einfach. I can not relax ver well. It is all very exciting and there is so muchto do and to learn. 3. Wir feiern Weihnachten  und haben ein grosses Abendessen am 24. Dezember. Am ersten Feiertag haben wir einen "Wettlauf um die Welt"!Es gibt geschenke die mir schueler und die FAmile schon geschickt haben. Ich habe einige Geschaenke fuer das Team. I brought lots of chocolades and I also mailed some to myself so I can give it to my team and others at the Station. 4 We have normal foods!!5. Jeder hat einen kleinen Einzelraum.6. Oilis used for the heating and we have a heater in the room. The chimey is only over the powerplant. The sleeping rooms are kept at 18 C. .. other rooms are warmer.7. We have had temperature from - 26C  to minus 38 C without windchill. I am posting the temperatures at he beginning of each journal!8. I wisch I could stay longer then 4 weks. No I do not wish that I would be home. It is too special here. I wish I could stay through the winter. 9. Yes, the sun is shining 24 hours. However, when we are outside, we are totally covered . I put sun lotion on my face, all other skin is covered. 10. Da wir total bedeckt sind, schadet uns nicht die sonne.. eher die Kaelte und der Wind. 11. Ja, wir haben einene doktor und wir sind wirklich sehr gut versorgt. Es gibt keinen Grund das man hier krank wird wegen der Umgebund. Mn muss eben genua das machen was einen beschuetzt.  Thank tou for the wishes!! I hope you can conitue to read my journals.  Alles Gute Fuer Euch alle in der 11. Klasse. Ein gesundes und frohes Fest und einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr,  Cheers, Elke Bergholz