Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/12/2007 - 07:37

Hello Elke!

You seem to have a great time down there-very cool!

Do you have some new data from the sonde, like the one you gave me last time?

(altitude/ pressure/temperature/ozone concentration)

We are in the middle of the exam week here, quite busy.....

Take care


Elke Bergholz

Hi Jean Pierre, I hope your Exams went well and I hope that the Environmental class had a good semester.
Bryan Johnson is working on the data tables from Boulder. The data table needs to be formatted and it has to be done by him. You will have the data when you are back in session in January. It should be interesting if the students will find any differences compared to the data I gave you in 1999. I will send the data to all teachers. Thank you so much for you interest!
Happy Holidays.