Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 10:27

I thought that your conference was really interesting.

What is the surface ozone photochemical?

I come from Ivory Coast a hot country so I can't leave in South Pole, i want to ask if there's people who come from ivory coast or a hot country? how they feel about the changement of temperature or environment?

I read one of your diary and you mention a place called BIF, where is it? is it where you stay?

how did you have the idea to  do an stratospheric ballon? did you practice before doing it?

thank you for taking the time to read my e mail


Elke Bergholz

Dear Karelle, I am glad that you likes the comference!
So far I have not met anyone here from the Ivory Coast but here is a researcher from Pakistan who likes the cold. He went to school in the North of the USA and he got used to the cold. He likes winter sport and learned how to dress properly. If you have the right clothing to wear, it is very nice. I think you could do it as well!
The BIF is the Balloon Inflation Facility, That is the building wher we can inflate the balloon. It has a high sealing to do so. It is also warm and we can get ready for the balloon flight. It si about 5 minutes walk from the main building.
The stratospheric balloons have been used for many years. The research group here is doing them regularly. That is how they discovered  the ozone hole. I practiced launching such balloon when I was with the reaercher Bryan Johnson in Boulder in September.
Thank you for your questions.
E. Bergolz