Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 00:53

hello ms. Bergholz, how are you doing? are you satisfied with your work ? how long have you been teaching in NY? what do you do in your free-time ? what do you do at christmas-time ? how do you celebrate christmas there ? merry christmas and a happy new year ;-) HOHOHO!!!!HOJOMan Mojo coco von den power puff girls haltet ihn auf oh nein! Du bist echt krank1

Elke Bergholz

Dear Power Girls,  Thank you for the questoins. The work is very satifying here at the South Pole. I have been teaching in New York for 18 years.Here at the Pole I have not had much free time. I am with the reasearch team during the day. I write during the evening and night : Journals or answering questions.  When I have a bit time I answer post cards students gave me to mail back from the South Pole. I love talking to people during meal time. Every one here has done amazing things. But when I have a bit extra time I like to go to the gym , read, or whatch a movie with some new friends here. So far I have only gone twice to the gym and I have not seen a movie yet,  maybe during the holidays. I also have no time reading. But that is ok. It is better talking ot people and getting to know the station.Wie will have a Christmas dinner on December 24th and we will have the famous " race around the world" on the 25th of December. We have decorated the Poles and the dining hall and Christmas lights are everywhere. It is very nice.  Merry Christams and Happy New Year to you as well.  E. Bergholz