Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 15:04

Hello Elke,

This is Reija. Since this will be your second trip to the South Pole Station I was wondering how your preparations for this trip differ from your preparations for the first trip?

Elke Bergholz

Dear Wendy Warnick,  Thank you for the very good question. I will  have very similar preparations in terms of packing my bags. However, I will be able to do a better job preparing, remembering that I can only take 70 lb. I left two whole bags in Christchurch for storgae before I went to the South Pole the last time I went. This time I will pack less. In terms of the science preparation, I will have to relearn some of the procedures for ozone sonde preparations. I just returned form my visit wiuth the research team in Boulder, CO, where we spend time on the review. We also discussed new projects about researching the photo-chemistry and the elevated surface ozone at the South Pole. I will also prepare some summaries about what I learned from the different researchers of the Global Monitoring Laboratory.