Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 10:06

Hello ms.Bergholz I dont know if yoy remember me but im Jared from mrs Gross class. I recently read your dec 12,2007 journal, and i was very interested in the halo's that are formed around the sun from the snow crystals. I also think they are magnificent and i was wondering if there are any more pictures or places i can read more about them? I  was also very intrigued by the white outs, just like the halo's i was wondering if u could further explain them. Thank you and i hope its not to cold...

Elke Bergholz

Hi Jared, Of course I  remember you, Jared. Yes, the halos are wonderful to observe. They look spectacular. I do not know where you could find more pictures right now. I have no internet access all the time , otherwise I would do a search for you. So, I would suggest you do an internet search and see what you can find out. I would be interested as well. For instance, I never could find why the bright spots on the halo are called "sun dogs". Please let me know if you find an answer!!
The "white-outs" are a condition when the wind is strong and has stirred up all the snow arround us. Since the snow  is so dry , the snow is not sticky and can easely be blown around. It looks like a snow storm with no visibility. The sky looks like the ground: like all was painted in the same white color.
No it is not too cold because I like the cold .  Besides the warm quarters are close by!
Have a nice break,
E. Bergholz