Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/19/2007 - 09:19

Hey I have a queston for you... How many other researchers are at the center and what kind of researching are they doing. Also what are some of the countries the other researchers are from?


Rose, Marymount School 

Elke Bergholz

Dear Rose from Marymount, We can take on 258 peolpe. 80 % of support staff for the science projects and for running the station. There are different science projects here. The biggest is the "IceCube"  project that dtects neutrinos, see journal "IceCube". We also have  a new Telescope here at the station and I will talk about that in a later journal. There is a seismology group and an aourara group here an amny other smaller resarch projects are going on. I will find out if there is a list I can post in my journal.So far I have met several Canadians, one from Pakistan,  German and Swedish researchers. They all collaborate with American researchers. Have a good break, E. Brgholz