Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 06:51

Hey Ms. Bergholz,

Have you been able to sleep even though it is sunny all the time?

Do you have to wear a lot of layers of clothing?

How is your research going?



Elke Bergholz

Hello Allegra, No I can not sleep well without darkness. That is why I darkened my room. And I am blinding my eyes as well while I am sleeping. That helps. I am finally getting some sleep.
I am wearing either 3 or 4 layers, depending what I have to do outside. I always have the red coat on with the hood and that is perfect against the wind.
Our research is going well. We collected good data and   I am learning now about collecting other gases as well such as CFC's and CO2.
E. Bergholz