Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 09:12

Hi! I was wondering what methods you and your team would be using to measure the levels of ozone.  I also wanted to know what your predictions are of your results.  Do u think the Montreal protocol and the Kyoto protocol are enough to have lowered the levels of ozone in the atmosphere? 

Harrison Pressley

Elke Bergholz

Dear Harrison Pressley, First to you question about the method of us testing the ozone level: We are using profile ozone sondes that are attached to a balloon filled with helium. As the balloon rises to 35 km, the data of ozone concentration is send via radio sonde to our computer that plots the profile for us.
I need to rephrase our second question regarding the Koyto, and Montreal protocol and ozone concentration. The Koyoto protocol is concerned with the carbondioxide concentration in our atmosphere and the Montreal protocol concerns the concentration of the CFC's in our atmosphere. CFC's is the gas that depletes our ozone  in the the stratosphere. So, we do not want to lower our ozone level because the ozone level is needed to protect us form the harmful UV rays. But, we wanted to lower the levels of CFC's  with the Montreal protocol. And, yes, the CFC level have decreased!! However, we still need to decrease the CFC levels more in order to fight the ozone depletion.