Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/11/2007 - 07:43

Hello Elke,

What will be the waether like at South Pole and how  many layers of clothing do you need to waer?

 Wie wird das Wetter am Suedpol sein und wieviele Schichten von Sachen muesst ihr tragen?Kiss

Elsa Staedter,



Elke Bergholz

Hello Elsa, South Pole will have colder waether than McMurdo. The air temperature  at Mcmurdo will be around minus 5 C . We will have about minus 25 C at South Pole in December. We will have to waer all of our 3 - 4 layers of clothing when working outside. I will list the temperature on each of my journals.
Am Suedpol  werden es ungefaehr minus 20 - 25 Celsius sein. (McMurdo = minus 5 Celsius). Fuer die draussen Arbeiten werden wir all 3 bis 4 Schichten von Sachen anziehen muessen.
Gruss, Elke