Simone, question for the scientists studying biology: Is this area of the Bering Sea high in productivity? Why or why not- what's happening there in the ocean? What's been the most exciting part of the cruise for you so far??? :) Enjoy every minute, Lollie


Hola Lollie-
The most exciting part of the cruise.. hmm, hard to choose! The animal sightings have definitely been a highlight- walruses and seals. Going on the ice has been incredible as well!
Yes, it is productive in this area because there exists a very deep benthic, or deep sea area. This meets a very wide shelf where nutrient mixing can occur very easily. Once the ice melts there's a lot of nutrients in the water. Furthermore, a great abundance of sunlight due to long days helps stimulate phytoplankton growth. That really gets things going! Another factor to consider is the fact that there is a line of sea ice coverage wherein the deep zones are not accessible to big predators like walruses and seals. In these regions, benthic life can thrive because fish are not generally predators of these types of animals. Very complex and interesting, no?