Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/30/2011 - 05:34

Hi Ms. Rose, How are you? I hope you are having a good time....we miss you so much!!

Chantelle Rose

I miss you guys too! I was thinking about you having your first day back to school yesterday AND how all of you must have been hoping for a snow day today!________________________________


Yes, we were all hoping for a snow day! So I was wondering if you have seen any elves? Because that would be so cool! Oh and how is having almost no sunlight? That would be so weird to get use to.Kayla:)

Chantelle Rose

No eleves! : ) No sunshine was okay for a short period - but I wouldn't want to experience that for more than a couple weeks!! I did use a Blue Therapy Light for Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is called the "happy light". I don't know if it worked or not!


haha well thats good:) We are so excited for you to come back soon:) I hope you got all of your Christmas shopping done:) Oh and you and your boyfriend are so cute:) Are you excited to come home? or are you wanting to stay?

Chantelle Rose

I have gotten a LITTLE Christmas shopping done (everyone is getting Healy t-shirt - LOL). I am SO excited to come home. This was a great experience, I have learned SO much, but I am ready to be back in Ohio!!