
Resource Available 2020 State of Arctic Science Report International Arctic Science Committee

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) announces the release of its 2020 State of Arctic Science Report.

The report aims to be a cohesive synthesis of international Arctic research activities and priorities, as gathered from the Arctic research community itself. Each of the 23 countries represented in IASC’s Scientific Working Groups (Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Marine, Social & Human, and Terrestrial) was asked to submit a summary detailing the research priorities and activities in their country. This corpus of content was compiled by each Working Group’s leadership. These were condensed into this report, then reviewed by the IASC Executive Committee and Council with an eye towards interdisciplinary connections. For national and/or disciplinary breakdowns, please contact IASC Working Group members directly.

Following an internal recommendation, this report is aimed at Arctic science agencies, Arctic science managers, and Arctic science users including a wide range of decisionmakers and policymakers – e.g., national research councils and scientific foundations, Arctic ministers and ambassadors, international science bodies, and more. It will also be delivered to the organizers of the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial.

State of the Arctic Science Report