Connecting Arctic/Antarctic Researchers and Educators (CARE) is a learning community for teachers and scientists interested in furthering their work to bring polar research into the classroom and to the public. CARE uses a variety of activities to bring together teachers and researchers to discuss field experiences, current science issues, content, technology resources, and pedagogy.

Who Can Join CARE?

We welcome anyone that is interested in bringing real-world polar science into the classroom and to the public! This includes all alumni from polar teacher research experiences, both teachers and researchers.

How Do I Join CARE?

Joining the CARE Community is easy! If you are a PolarTREC alumni, you are automatically enrolled. Others can join by simply filling out the online CARE Registration form.

What Does CARE Offer?

PolarTREC teacher Dena Rosenberger and researchers in AntarcticaPolarTREC teacher Dena Rosenberger and researchers in Antarctica.

The primary purpose of CARE is to help teachers and researchers connect. We have several activities to assist in developing the polar community and these include:

  • The CARE Directory - a directory of members that can be used to connect with others for further collaborations.
  • PolarSphere - a monthly email newsletter for sharing updates, information and networking opportunities between teachers and polar researchers.
  • CARE Seminars - seminars that focus on issues of interest with guest speakers.
  • CARE Career Development Webinars - webinars that address a skill or topic that help your career (i.e. presenting at a conference).

The seminars and webinars are scheduled as needed and open to the public.

Why Should I Join CARE?

By joining a broader learning community of educators and researchers, we hope participants can further their work to bring polar research into classrooms and to the public. CARE offers the opportunity for participants to enhance their professional development through discussions of field experiences, current science issues, content, technology resources, and pedagogy.

Other benefits include contributing resources to the online learning resources database, connecting with others in the member directory, and sharing resources through the newsletter.

Where Can I Learn More About CARE?

Email any questions or concerns to the PolarTREC Project Mangers, Janet Warburton, warburton [at] and Sarah Crowley, crowley [at] Or, feel free to call 907-474-1600.