2020-2021 Selection Committee Instructions and Resources
Thank you again for participating in the PolarTREC Selection Committee!
We have divided the committee into four groups. Each group will have ~30 applications to review and score. All the documents you need for reviewing - the rubric, a PDF of all the educator applications, and instructions are available for downloading on this page. To view the applications, you may need to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
After completing your rubric and scoring all the applications, email the Excel spreadsheet and any notes that you took back to the PolarTREC Managers at info [at] polartrec.com. The deadline is Sunday, 17 November. If you can send them earlier, please do so! We will compile the spreadsheets, notes, and send out a summary of the scores within your group.
Group Review & Ranking
Early in the week of 18 November, we will gather your small group on a conference call to discuss the ranking of the applicants in your group and determine the top ~10 that will move forward into the researcher's selection process. Note: These calls last at least one hour, often 1.5 hours. A Doodle Poll will be sent out for each group to determine the best time to meet.
Background Documents
2020-2021 Selection Committee (PDF - 27KB)(Download this pdf to find out which group you are in!)
Guidelines for Reviewing Applications 2020-21 (PDF - 62KB)
Example of Good Application (PDF - 35KB)
Example of Poor Application (PDF - 815KB)
Group Files
Group 1: PolarTREC Teacher Applications (PDF - 1.4 MB)
Group 1: PolarTREC Teacher Application Scoring Rubric (Excel -340 KB)
Group 2: PolarTREC Teacher Apps (PDF - 1.4 MB)
Group 2: PolarTREC Teacher Application Scoring Rubric (Excel - 349 KB)
Group 3: PolarTREC Teacher Applications (PDF - 1.5 MB)
Group 3: PolarTREC Teacher Application Scoring Rubric (Excel - 346 KB)
Group 4: PolarTREC Teacher Applications (PDF - 1.54 MB)
Group 4: PolarTREC Teacher Application Scoring Rubric (Excel - 354 KB)
Review Reminders
Please do not change the formatting (i.e. add columns/rows) of the Excel document in any way.
Also, the formatting issues in the applications are a result of our automation transferring the applications from an online form to a PDF and NOT the applicants fault and shouldn't be considered in the review. Spelling and use of grammar are the responsibility of the applicant.
Applicants who express interest in working with a specific researcher should be reviewed in the same way as all others. PolarTREC Staff will review the 'pre-existing relationship' application separately.
Applicants that are teaching abroad or non-US citizens should be reviewed in the same way as all others. PolarTREC staff will confer with NSF if they make it to the final round.
If an applicant has a prior significant professional development opportunity similar to PolarTREC (i.e., NOAA Teacher at Sea) they must make a good case for participating, over an applicant without these unique experiences.
Here's the link to Slack:
This can be a place to discuss apps and ask questions.