Polar-Related Activities at NSTA 2014

Polar  PresentationsPhoto by Kristina Brady, Courtesy of Tim Martin (PolarTREC 2009), Courtesy of ARCUS.

We are looking forward to seeing PolarTREC participants and other polar educators at the National Science Teachers Association meeting 3-6 April 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts. For more general meeting information visit the official conference website at NSTA National Conference 2014. Here we have compiled a listing of polar-related activities, events, and presentations as well as presentations by PolarTREC participants in other disciplines. PolarTREC teacher's names are linked to their expedition so you can catch up on their experiences. Let us know if there are other polar presentations to be listed by contacting Sarah Bartholow <sbartholow [at] arcus.org>.

We hope to see you there. Stay in contact with @PolarTREC on Twitter.
Enjoy your conference!

The PolarTREC Team

PDF Version - Updated 25 March
Polar-Related NSTA 2014 (PDF - 87KB)

Polar Presentations

A Virtual Field Trip Connects Classrooms to the Wonder of Antarctic Penguins

Thursday, April 3 8:00–9:00 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 211
Explore new learning as you take your classroom on a virtual field trip to Antarctica. Watch life as it unfolds in an Adélie Penguin breeding colony. Presenter(s): Dena Rosenberger (El Capitan High School: Lakeside, CA); Jean Pennycook (Central Valley Science Project: Fresno, CA)
FORMAT: Workshop
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Middle Level

Teachers on the Tundra: Working and Collaborating with Scientists at Toolik Field Station

Thursday, April 3 2:00–3:00 PM
The Westin Boston Waterfront, Webster
PolarTREC stands for Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating. PolarTREC teachers describe their experiences as members of science teams conducting Arctic research (ranging from spiders to squirrels to permafrost) and share related classroom resources/lessons. Presenter(s): Alicia M. Gillean (Jenks West Intermediate School: Jenks, OK); Bruce Taterka (West Morris Mendham High School: Mendham, NJ); Nell Kemp (Kenwood Academy: Chicago, IL) FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science

Polar Educators International (PEI): A Network of Teacher Leaders in Polar Science

Thursday, April 3 3:30–4 PM
The Westin Boston Waterfront, Burroughs
Professional networks of teachers and scientists catalyze the leaders and sustain their success. Join the PEI network; excel in polar science and climate change education.
Presenter(s): Sarah Bartholow (Arctic Research Consortium of the United States: Fairbanks, AK)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science

Scientists in the Classroom

Thursday, April 3 5:00–6:00 PM
Seaport Hotel, Lighthouse I
Join me for interactive instruction on developing a mentor program among local, polar, national, and international scientists—one on one with all students for an entire academic school year.
Presenter(s): Jillian B. Worssam (Sinagua Middle School: Flagstaff, AZ)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: Middle Level-High School

Joint Science Education Project

Thursday, April 3 5:00–6:00 PM
Seaport Hotel, Lighthouse I
Learn about a successful project (JSEP) that brings U.S., Danish, and Greenlandic students together to explore polar science.
Presenter(s): Lynn Foshee Reed (Einstein Fellow, National Science Foundation: Arlington, VA)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: High School

AMNH Pathway Session: Analyzing and Interpreting Data Using Visualizations and Scientific Data Sets

Friday, April 4 8:00–10:00 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 208
This session engages in visualizations of GRACE scientific data on ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to explore how climate change is affecting these regions.
Presenter(s): Dave Randle (American Museum of Natural History: New York, NY); Jay Holmes (American Museum of Natural History: New York, NY)
FORMAT: Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth Science
GRADE LEVEL: Middle Level-High School

NESTA Session: National Earth Science Teachers Association Geology Share-a-Thon

Friday, April 4 9:30–10:30 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 052 A/B
Join more than 20 NESTA members and other education specialists as they share their favorite classroom activities. Lots of free handouts!
Presenter(s): Among others: Lesley Urasky (Rawlins High School: Rawlins, WY); Margaret A. Holzer (Chatham High School: Chatham, NJ) (Chatham High School: Chatham, NJ)
FORMAT: Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth Science
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-High School

Polar Educators International Open Meeting

Friday, April 4 3:00–5:00 PM
The Westin Boston Waterfront, Paine
This meeting is open to all—polar and non-polar. Learn what has been accomplished so far and how you can join PEI now!
FORMAT: Meeting

Climate Series II: Antarctic Team Showcases Ice Cores

Saturday, April 5 9:00–11:00 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 156C
How do scientists know what they know about climate? What clues are hidden in the ice? Meet a scientist and an engineer engaged in research at the WAIS Divide. Get up close and personal with an ancient ice core! Hands-on activities and a movie will bring this home to your classroom.
Presenter(s): Jay Johnson (University of Wisconsin: Madison, WI); Linda M. Morris (Dartmouth College: Hanover, NH); TJ Fudge (Dartmouth College: Hanover, NH)
FORMAT: Exhibitor Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth Science
GRADE LEVEL: Grades 6-12

Featured Presentation: The Art and Science of Chasing Ice

Saturday, April 5 9:30–10:30 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 210C
Photographer and author James Balog shares the latest photography and image sequences from the Extreme Ice Survey. His images provide the “smoking gun” of climate change, visual evidence that audiences young and old can understand. His multimedia show provides a fascinating exploration of humanity's relationship with nature, and a profound understanding of how climate change is affecting our planet. It is nothing short of a call to arms to one of the greatest challenges of our generation. James will also be discussing his new educational initiatives to support middle school science teachers and curriculum.
Presenter(s): James Balog (Founder and Director, Extreme Ice Survey and Earth Vision Trust: Boulder, CO)
FORMAT: Featured Speaker
SUBJECT: Environmental Science

Bringing Science into the Classroom

Sunday, April 6 8:00–9:00 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 151B
A collaboration among teachers and scientists brings Arctic field experiences into the classroom, benefiting both teacher and students.
Presenter(s): Andrew Juhl (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory: Palisades, NY); John A. Karavias (Walt Whitman High School: Huntington Station, NY); Jonathan E. Nichols (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory: Palisades, NY); Fran Hess (STANYS: Laurens, NY)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: Environmental Science
GRADE LEVEL: Middle Level-College

Informal Polar Meetings

Polar Educators International Meet-Up

Friday, April 4 4:30pm Whiskey Priest Pub and Grill: 150 Northern Ave. Boston, MA
All educators are welcome for a informal social event to meet members of Polar Educators International and network with like-minded polar people.

Polar Night at the Red Sox

Saturday, April 5 7:10pm
Fenway Stadium
Polar teachers are buying their own tickets to attend a Red Sox game. Seats are in the bleachers and all arrangements and purchases are to be made by individuals. Contact Sarah Bartholow <sbartholow [at] arcus.org> for more information.

Other Relevant Presentations

Here is a list of presentations by PolarTREC participants on non-polar-specific topics, as well as climate-related presentations of interest.

Raindrops Keep Falling in My Gauge: School Partnerships with a Citizen Science Network to Increase Climate Literacy

Thursday, April 3 5:00–6:00 PM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 251
CoCoRaHS stands for Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network. Join us as we present research on CoCoRaHS' K–12 program. Engage in hands-on exploration of the processes of measuring, reporting, and interpreting precipitation data.
Presenter(s): Kelly A. Riedinger (David Heil & Associates, Inc.: Portland, OR); Tim Martin (Greensboro Day School: Greensboro, NC); Margaret A. Holzer
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: Environmental Science
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-High School

Climate: A Fascinating Scientific Topic with Challenges and Opportunities for Science Educators

Thursday, April 3 5:00–6:00 PM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 252A
This session will discuss some key things we know about the climate system from observations and basic principles, how scientists worldwide give periodic updates on their understanding of climate change in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, and some of the challenges and opportunities for science educators in teaching about climate.
Presenter(s): Paul A. O'Gorman (Associate Professor of Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA)
FORMAT: Special Session
SUBJECT: Earth Science

Wheelock Pathway Session: Connecting Science and Literacy in the Middle School Classroom

Friday, April 4 8:00–9:00 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 209
We'll share a science and literacy toolkit and examples of middle school science discussions and student writing (notebooks, argument writing) that address the NGSS and Common Core English Language Arts.
Presenter(s): Janet MacNeil (Brookline Public Schools: Brookline, MA); Mark Goldner (Heath School: Brookline, MA); Melissa London (Pierce School: Brookline, MA)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: Middle Level/Supervision

Climate Series IV: Lunch with Climate Scientists and Educators—Bring Your Own Lunch!

Saturday, April 5 12:00–1:00 PM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 156C
What do you want to learn about climate change? Where to find high-quality education resources? How to address student misconceptions? What the latest research tells us? Join informal one-on-one discussions with scientists and educators about issues surrounding climate change. Come prepared with your questions!
Presenter(s): LuAnn Dahlman (NOAA: Mesa, AZ); Jay Johnson (University of Wisconsin: Madison, WI); Linda M. Morris (Dartmouth College: Hanover, NH); Bruce Moravchik (NOAA: Silver Spring, MD); Victoria Arthur (U.S. Forest Service: Washington, DC)
FORMAT: Exhibitor Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth Science
GRADE LEVEL: Grades 6-12

Teacher Researcher Day Session: Systems Thinking in the Context of Climate Literacy

Saturday, April 5 12:30–1:00 PM
Seaport Hotel, Plaza Ballroom/Group 2
The complexities of Earth's climate can be understood through explicit teaching of system dynamics. Discussion centers on research that assists learners to think systematically.
Presenter(s): Margaret A. Holzer (Chatham High School: Chatham, NJ)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: High School

Listening to Science: Using Audio in the Classroom

Sunday, April 6 11:00 AM–12:00 PM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 156C
The Common Core State Standards require listening. Hear how to build critical listening skills by using public radio, recording, and editing apps and software—all while doing science!
Presenter(s): Monica Brady-Myerov (Listen Edition: Brookline, MA); Mark Goldner (Heath School: Brookline, MA)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: Middle Level-High School