This week! PolarTREC at NSTA National Conference 2015
Photo by Kristina Brady, Courtesy of Tim Martin (PolarTREC 2009), Courtesy of ARCUS.We are looking forward to seeing PolarTREC participants and other polar educators at the National Science Teachers Association meeting March 12–15, 2015 in Chicago. For more general meeting information visit the official conference website at NSTA National Conference 2015. Here we have compiled a listing of polar-related activities, events, and presentations as well as presentations by PolarTREC participants in other disciplines. PolarTREC teacher's names are linked to their expedition so you can catch up on their experiences. Let us know if there are other polar presentations to be listed by contacting Sarah Bartholow <sbartholow [at]>.
We hope to see you there. Stay in contact with @PolarTREC on Twitter.
Enjoy your conference!
- The PolarTREC Team
Polar Presentations
Arctic Dinosaurs and Climate Change
Thursday, March 12 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
McCormick Place, S403a
The mystery of the Arctic dinosaurs will set the stage for exploring energy and matter, climate change, and argumentation from evidence.
Presenter(s): Jason Petula (Millersville University of Pennsylvania: Millersville, PA), Allyson Ferraro (Millersville University of Pennsylvania: Millersville, PA)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science Education
Arctic and Antarctic E-Books in the Classroom: A New Polar Resource for Educators
Thursday, March 12 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Jackson Park D
Polar e-books bring the excitement and adventure of living and working in the Polar regions to a wide range of grade levels.
Presenter(s): Jean Pennycook (SAM Academy: Sanger, CA), Gary Wesche (PolarTREC: Kansas City, MO)
FORMAT: Presentation
GRADE LEVEL: K, 1 - 12
SUBJECT: General Science Education, Informal Science Education
Polar Educators International Open Meeting
Thursday, March 12 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Regency D
Join Polar Educators International (PEI) at our annual meeting for new and old members to learn more, and for all to make an impact on education in a global way! The polar regions are integral to science education for the future in a rapidly changing climate.
For more information, please visit
FORMAT: Meeting
Science Is Cool! Looking for Life, and Finding It, in a Subglacial Antarctic Lake
Thursday, March 12 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
McCormick Place, S403a
See STEM in action! Meet scientists and educators from the Antarctic WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) project as they share their latest science discoveries!
Presenter(s): Susan B. Kelly (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign: , MT)
FORMAT: Presentation
GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 12, College
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science
Students Respond to the Field: Teaching with Research Experiences Creates Future Scientists
Friday, March 13 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Jackson Park D
Teacher research experiences are shifting what it means to engage, to teach—and students are responding. Learn how to use research experiences to encourage future scientists.
Presenter(s): Sarah Bartholow, Janet Warburton , Angela Larson (Goldstream Grant Writing and Evaluation: Fairbanks, AK)
FORMAT: Presentation
GRADE LEVEL: 1 - 12, College
SUBJECT: General Science Education
AK to NSTA: Highlights of a Climate Change Course in Alaska for Local and Global Teaching
Friday, March 13 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
McCormick Place, S403a
A four-day field course?! Get the scientific highlights, skills to deal with skeptics, and educator's activities for climate change education in your classroom.
Presenter(s): Sarah Bartholow, Janet Warburton
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science Education
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Lecture: Abrupt Climate Change—Past, Present, and Future
Friday, March 13 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
McCormick Place, Skyline W375b
Climate, along with many parts of our environment, are changing as humans put more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. With CO2 levels today around 400 ppm and rising—levels which last occurred during much warmer times millions of years ago—it is clear that we are committed to even more climate change in the future, not only in our lifetimes, but well beyond our children’s and grandchildren's lifetimes as well. A key question is how changes will occur. Abrupt climate changes are those that exceed our expectations, preparedness, and ability to adapt. Such changes challenge us economically, physically, and socially. This talk will draw upon results from ice core research over the past 20 years, as well as a new NRC report on abrupt climate change in order to address abrupt change, as seen in the past in ice cores, as seen today in key environmental systems upon which humans depend, and what may be coming in the future.
Presenter(s): Jim White (University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO)
Bio: Climatologist Jim White is the director of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences, and is also instrumental in the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado (CU). He operates a laboratory for the analysis of stable isotope ratios of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. As a past director of Environmental Studies Program at CU, Jim helped to establish and grow this program during its first decade and was a past chairperson of the Polar Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences.
Constructing ROVs, Collaborating with Researchers, and Getting Your Students Involved in Engineering, Problem Solving, and Field Work
Friday, March 13 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
McCormick Place, W196a
Join us for a multifaceted workshop on ways to get teachers and students involved with field researchers and local museums. Explore how to build a simple functional Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).
Presenter(s): Paula Dell (Lindblom Math & Science Academy: Chicago, IL), Sarah Bartholow, Janet Warburton
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: General Science Education, Informal Science Education, Engineering-Technology-and the Application of Science
More than Mud! From the Arctic to Backyard Ponds, the Climate Story of Sediment
Friday, March 13 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
McCormick Place, S403a
Using sediment cores, teachers, researchers, and students investigate climate change and develop literacy skills through inquiry activities that model cutting-edge paleoclimatologial research.
Presenter(s): Tim Martin (Greensboro Day School: Greensboro, NC), Mark Goldner (Heath School: Brookline, MA), Laura Schofield (Ipswich Middle School: Ipswich, MA)
FORMAT: Presentation
GRADE LEVEL: 6 - 12, College
SUBJECT: General Science Education, Life Science, Engineering-Technology-and the Application of Science, Earth and Space Science
Polar Educators International - Informal Meet-Up
Friday Evening
Time TBD
Location TBD
Join PEI members for an informal gathering. Details and location to follow. Stay informed through the PEI Facebook Page
Climate Change Series 2: Antarctic Team Showcases Ice Cores
Saturday, March 14 9:30 AM - 11:15 AM
McCormick Place, W184bc
How do scientists know what they know about climate? What clues are hidden in the ice? Meet a scientist and an engineer engaged in research at the South Pole. Get up close with an ancient ice core! Hands-on activities and a movie bring will bring this home to your classroom.
Presenter(s): Linda M. Morris (Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth: Hanover, NH), T. J. Fudge (Us Ice Drilling Program: Hanover, NH)
FORMAT: Exhibitor Workshop
SUBJECT: General Science Education
EVENT SPONSOR: NOAA's National Ocean Service
Exploring Global Regions and Resources with National Geographic
Saturday, March 14 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Hyde Park B
Want to explore the Arctic, Antarctic, or beyond with National Geographic/Lindblad Expeditions as a Grosvenor Teacher Fellow? Current fellows share experiences, insight, and curriculum resources.
Presenter(s): Cristina Veresan (STAR of The Sea School: Honolulu, HI), Jessica Metz-Bugg (Cherokee Central Schools: Cherokee, NC), Thomas Szymanski (Walt Disney Magnet School: Chicago, IL)
FORMAT: Presentation
GRADE LEVEL: K, 1 - 12
SUBJECT: General Science Education, Informal Science Education
Climate Change Presentations
There are so many great climate change presentations this year at NSTA! Some are polar-related and some are more general. Be sure to check out the presentations listed below by PolarTREC teachers, partners, and colleagues:
Climate Change Series 3: Teaching Climate? Learn How to Use the 2014 National Climate Assessment Resources for Educators
Saturday, March 14 11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
McCormick Place, W184bc
Explore a series of guides for educators focusing on the regional chapters of the National Climate Assessment Report and high-quality online educational resources. This session will provide examples of how and where climate concepts can be integrated with the NGSS and provide resources for the classroom.
Presenter(s): Frank Niepold (NOAA Climate Program Office: Silver Spring, MD)
FORMAT: Exhibitor Workshop
SUBJECT: General Science Education
EVENT SPONSOR: NOAA's National Ocean Service
Digging Deep with Climate Proxies
Saturday, March 14 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
McCormick Place, W192a
By partnering with climate scientists and creating audio podcasts, grade 8 students learned and taught others about current climate science research. Literacy skills (reading, summarizing, listening, and talking) were strengthened throughout.
Presenter(s): Mark Goldner (Heath School: Brookline, MA)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: General Science Education
Climate Change Series 5: Climate Science in Action
Saturday, March 14 1:50 PM - 2:50 PM
McCormick Place, W184bc
Get up-to-date information about the current state of climate science and research from a nationally recognized climate expert. Learn about climate impacts, adaptation, and mitigation on large and local scales and take home resources for your classroom.
Presenter(s): Peg Steffen (NOAA National Ocean Service: Silver Spring, MD)
FORMAT: Exhibitor Workshop
GRADE LEVEL: 3 - 12, College
SUBJECT: General Science Education
EVENT SPONSOR: NOAA's National Ocean Service
NESTA Session: How Weird Can It Get? Developing Weather and Climate Literacy
Saturday, March 14 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
McCormick Place, Skyline W375e
Explore the scientific foundations of what we know about weather, climate, and climate change through effective hands-on and data-rich classroom activities from NESTA.
Presenter(s): Roberta Johnson Killeen (National Earth Science Teachers Association: Boulder, CO), Margaret Holzer (Chatham High School: Chatham, NJ), Michael Passow (Dwight Morrow High School: Englewood, NJ)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: General Science Education
Other Presentations by PolarTREC Participants
Weaving Science and Literacy into the Middle School Classroom to Meet the NGSS and CCSS ELA
Thursday, March 12 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
McCormick Place, S501d
Learn how to integrate talk, writing, and reading seamlessly into rich science learning experiences, assess students’ understanding, and meet the NGSS and CCSS ELA.
Presenter(s): Janet MacNeil (Brookline Public Schools: Brookline, MA), Melissa London (Pierce School: Brookline, MA), Mark Goldner (Heath School: Brookline, MA)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science Education
Watering the Grassroots of Change: Integrated Outdoor Science and Community-based Water Resource Education
Saturday, March 14 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
McCormick Place, W187a
Through partnerships between environmental nonprofits, universities, government/professional agencies, and local high schools, The Confluence Project immerses students in freshwater resource issues facing their community.
Presenter(s): Jamie Esler (Lake City High School: Coeur d'Alene, ID), Rusti Kreider (St. Maries High School: St. Maries, ID), Cindy Rust (Post Falls High School: Post Falls, ID)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
GRADE LEVEL: 8 - 12, College
SUBJECT: General Science Education
CONFERENCE STRAND: Natural Resources, Natural Partnerships