Here in Durham, NC, it is HOT. 100° hot. Really hot. Don't want to move in daytime hot. Thick, sticky, steamy hot. As we walk our dogs, they prance on the pavement to minimize contact and head straight for the grass next to the road. "I am going on a expedition in the arctic this summer," I tell family and friends. When they hear "arctic," a far away cool expression overtakes their face and they retreat into a chilly memory of ice and outer wear.
Outer wear. Not a concern of mine right now given the weather down here --but it is a concern for up there for my outfitter: Robbie. Because PolarTREC teachers come from all over the USA and do not, as a routine, go out into extreme environments, ARCUS (the folks who take care of us) enlist the help of several specialists to prepare us for our expeditions. Robbie represents Polar Field Services and she makes sure that we have the gear that we need to be comfortable and safe.
Fred and Carl help Mom evaluate her Mustang survival suit in the 100 degree heat of Durham NC. Will it EVER be cold enough to need all this?A Mustang suit offers "classic flotation and hypothermia protection." Hmmmmm -- hope I will not need that! She also sent steel-toed boots, gloves, hats, fleece, a rain suit, a jacket: all necessary gear for life in the field. I have tried them on and everything fits. I put on the gear at home, at night, inside, and wonder if it will EVER be cold enough to need all this.
Extreme Weather Gear? Check that box. Thanks Robbie!
Gerty Ward says see you soon!