What do you do here at the South pole?
As a technician for NOAA, it's my job to make sure that the instruments are running properly, that the scientists are getting good data, and if there's a problem to try to fix it.
Did you always want to be a technician?
It's not something I always wanted to do it's just something I kind of fell into. I had an interest in computers and I've always been pretty good at fixing things.
How did you get involved in being a technician for NOAA and being in extreme places of the world?
One day I was just randomly surfing the Internet and I came across a job opening in Barrow, Alaska. And so I thought, "Well what the heck" and I applied. So I've been stationed there for the past four years and this year they sent me to the South Pole, kind of as a little treat and to help these folks out a little bit.
Going back to your school time, what where your favorite subjects in school?
I always really liked math. I might be the only kid ever, who liked story problems in math. I like science a lot.
What were your least favorite subjects?
I never really liked English. I liked to read and study and learn things, but I never really liked grammar or writing things very much.
What do you think are the most rewarding aspects of being a technician for NOAA?
Well, working for NOAA, of course I get to be part of science that is actually happening and stuff that may someday shape the world, so that's pretty exciting. As a technician in general I think the most rewarding thing is when you've been working on something for days and days and days and you can't figure it out and then all of the sudden you're like "oh I know what it is" and so that's probably the most rewarding.
What is the most difficult aspect of being a technician?
Probably all those days leading up to the rewarding moment of finding the problem!
What kind of advice do you have for students interested in a career in science?
Definitely take all the math and science classes you can. And while I bashed English earlier, you do have to be able to write and communicate in a reasonable manner, so try to do good in those subjects as well.
Want to learn more? Check out this interview with Teresa Winter.